Tips to pass your H13-524 HCNP-Cloud-COSM Exam
October 25,2018
If you are going to prepare for your H13-524 HCNP-Cloud-COSM Exam, you will get tips from Passcert to pass your H13-524 HCNP-Cloud-COSM Exam successfully. Passcert provides you HCNP-Cloud H13-524 dumps which collected from real test and it can help you pass your Huawei H13-524 exam with high score.
You should have a basic knowledge before H13-524 HCNP-Cloud-COSM Exam preparation
H13-524 HCNP-Cloud-COSM exam covers but not limited to cloud operating system construction and management, OpenStack configuration, cloud service management, ManageOne features, etc.
H13-524 HCNP-Cloud-COSM exam knowledge points:
1)FusionSphere OpenStack Overview
2)FusionSphere OpenStack Service Principles
3)FusionSphere Cloud Data Center solution Overview
4)FusionSphere Cloud Data Center System Resource Model
5)FusionSphere Cloud Data Center System Planning
6)FusionSphere OpenStack Deployment Configuration
7)FusionSphere OpenStack Operation Management
8)ManageOne Solution Introduction
9)ManageOne ServiceCenter Introduction
10)ManageOne OperationCenter Introduction
11)Huawei Cloud Data Center O&M Tools
What we should know if we want to get an HCNP-Cloud Certification?
HCNP-Cloud certification validates the knowledge and skills required to construct and manage cloud data center and desktop cloud system.HCNP-Cloud curriculum includes but is not limited to the following parts: Virtualization, Huawei FusionCloud solution, Huawei FusionCloud Desktop solution introduction, deployment, troubleshooting and maintenance. With HCNP-Cloud certification, you demonstrate the understanding of Huawei data center solution and desktop cloud products, the ability to deploy and manage solutions for these products, etc.
To Get your HCNP-Cloud Certification, you need to pass the following 3 exams:
H13-522 HCNP-Cloud-CRPM
H13-523 HCNP-Cloud-CDSM
H13-524 HCNP-Cloud-COSM
HCNP-Cloud bundle for H13-522,H13-523,H13-524
How to pass H13-524 exam successfully? - Passcert HCNP-Cloud H13-524 dumps
H13-524 dumps is the most important and most crucial stage. We should pay attention to each real problem training, because Passcert HCNP-Cloud H13-524 dumps is the most effective for the H31-522 exam.
In addition to the latest Passcert HCNP-Cloud H13-524 dumps, we can also do proper exercises on the previous versions of H31-522. This will expand our knowledge and expand our knowledge base to some extent. . This may not have a direct impact on the future H31-522 exam, but it is very helpful for our study and future development.
The most effective way to check for missing vacancies is to arrange a meaningful H13-524 dumps for yourself. We only need to use the Passcert HCNP-Cloud H13-524 dumps at hand. Because the H13-524 dumps contain all the questions in the H13-524 exam. Arranging such an H13-524 dumps allows for the most comprehensive leak check during the H13-524 exam preparation.
For the latest HCNP-Cloud H13-524 dumps, here share some H13-524 sample questions:
1. In Huawei desktop cloud, which of the following is the role of DHCP?
A. Assign an IP address, gateway, DNS to each virtual desktop
B. Assign IP address, gateway, DNS to the base component virtual machine of the desktop cloud
C. Assign permissions to each virtual desktop
D. Provide domain name resolution for each virtual desktop
Answer: A
2. Which of the following actions will not be fatal to the normal operation of the desktop cloud?
A. Delete the virtual desktop on the FusionCompute interface.
B. Set up a DHCP server or DNS server on the desktop.
C. Mount the system disk of Windows7 and Windows server 2008 as a user disk to the user VM.
D. Restart the virtual desktop concurrently
Answer: D
3. If the client gets the IP address of multiple DHCP servers at the same time, which one will it choose?
A. The first to get
B. Small network number
C. Large network number
D. Random selection
Answer: A
4. When planning the total memory size of the server used by the full-memory desktop, it is known that Domain0 occupies 50G of memory, DomainU occupies 100G of memory, and the management loss factor is 10%. what is the total memory of the server?
A. 150G
B. 135G
C. 165G
D. 155G
Answer: C
5. Which of the following statements about ManageOne ServiceCenter is TRUE?
A. The hierarchy of the organization in ServiceCenter corresponds to the project in the penStack.
B. If the organization's resource quota is set to a limit, then all VDCs under the organization must have a limit
C. After the available partitions are associated in the organization, if there are already resources in the partition, it is not allowed to use partitions at the moment, other partitions are allowed.
D. VDC cannot cross AZ
Answer: B
6. In Huawei desktop cloud, which component does not need to have a network card belonging to the service plane?
B. vAG/vLB
Answer: C
7. In Huawei network virtualization, which statement about the role of AC is correct?
A. AC manages physical equipment in the south, and dock with Neutron in the north.
B. AC manages all physical devices, including switches, firewalls, load balancing devices, servers, etc.
C. AC directly docks with DVS and forwards the instructions issued by Neutron.
D. AC can control the network card of the VM, including assigning IP, gateway, etc. to the VM.
Answer: A
8. Which of the following options does not belong to the service content of the Huawei Cloud Solution Architecture Paas layer?
A. Database service
B. Container service
C. Distributed middleware framework
D. Message service
Answer: B
9. Which network is not directly used in the VPC?
A. Direct network
B. Routing network
C. Internal network
D. External network
Answer: D
10. Which of the following can esight not do?
A. Switch network port status monitoring
B. Automatically install the server operating system
C. Hot migration virtual machine
D. Storage LUN capacity monitoring
Answer: B
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